Updating Phone Numbers
Below are instructions on how to update your merchant profile phone number. Please be aware a validation code will be sent via text message to your new phone number for verification purposes.
Step 1: Log into the Merchant Portal https://merchant.paycafe.com/loginStep 2: To the top right-hand corner place cursor over your Business Name
Step 3: Click on Profile
Step 4: Click on the icon beside the phone number you want to update
Step 5: Add the new phone number
Step 6: Request pin code to be sent by text or receive an automated phone call
Side note: The pin code will be sent to the new phone number you're providing.
Option 1: Pin code will be sent by text
Option. 2: Pin code will be given by automated message
Step 7: Click on Send My Pin Now.
Step 8: Enter the pin code and click submit. The new phone number will be added to your account.
If you have questions or need assistance with updating phone numbers, please submit a support ticket through the merchant portal at https://merchant.paycafe.com/login.
We also welcome feedback from our merchants. Please send us your suggestions at suggestions@paycafe.com .