PayCafes' Dashboard
The PayCafe dashboard is located to the left of our merchant portal. The dashboard will display relevant details about your account such as revenue, refunds, credit card disputes, and more. It will also alert you to anything that may need your attention.
Step 1: Log in to Merchant Portal here >>>' Dashboard menu will display tools to assist you with managing your merchant account. Below, we provided an overview of each section's functionality.
Transactions Dropdown Menu
Transactions: Our transaction report (Transactions Dates, Customers Name, Payment Method, and Sales/Refunds details) will give you all the information you need on credit card transactions.
Chargebacks: A Chargeback happens when a customer calls their financial institution and disputes a transaction for reasons such as fraud, credit/refund not process, or other reasons. Our Chargeback report will provide details such as the chargeback date, the reason for the chargeback, the amount, and rebuttal details.

Customers: This report will provide customer details and purchasing history.
Orders: The Order report will provide details for each item or service purchased for a single date or a date range. This will include the customer's name, an order number, the dollar amount for the order, and payment status.
Settlements: Our Settlement Reporting allows merchants to firstly, pull the list of the deposits that were made to their bank account and secondly, to obtain the details of the different transactions, fees, and disputes that make up each deposit.
Reporting Dropdown Menu
Processing by Date: Our Processing by Date report will provide details for the present day or a date range for your processing. Within this report, the details that will be provided are attempted transactions, paid transactions, and refund details.
Reserve Account: An accrual reserve is funded by taking a fixed percentage from the merchant’s daily sales until the required amount is reached or satisfied. Our report will provide details for the amount collected and the estimated release date.
Chargeback Reporting: Chargeback reporting will provide an overview of the chargeback count by month, total chargebacks, and your average chargeback percentage. In addition, this report will also provide details for the sale that turned into a chargeback.

Configure Checkout
Customization: Cart Customization will be your first step to set up a merchants' checkout. The merchant will provide a title for their checkout, upload their business logo and or image.
Instant Payment Notification (IPN) Setup: Instant Payment Notification (IPN) is a message service that notifies you of events related to PayCafe transactions. You can use IPN messages to automate back-office and administrative functions, such as fulfilling orders, tracking customers, or providing status and other transaction-related information. Click here >>> IPN Setup for instructions on how to setup your IPN.
Instant Payment Notification (IPN) Custom Fields: After you set up your IPN, you will have the opportunity to add custom fields to your IPN URL by specifying your own title and parameter names. Click here >>> IPN Custom Fields for instructions on how to create your custom fields.
Sales Funnels: Enabling the 1-click to upsell sales funnel functionality will allow your customers to purchase additional upsells and one-time offers with one click, using the previous payment details from their original purchase. Click here >>> Sales Funnel for instructions on how to set up a sales funnel.
Post Sales URL: Set up your Post Sale URL to direct your customers to a new page after their transaction is completed. This button will appear on the Order Complete/Thank you page.
Other Payment: PayCafe offers our merchants the ability to accept PayPal as another payment option. Please supply the required information and the PayPal option will appear on your checkout page. Click here >>> Additional Payment Options for instructions on how to set up additional payment options.
Products Dropdown Menu
Products: In this section, you will add a product to be displayed on your checkout. Product-specific You may add as many products as you'd like, and link those products to sales funnels, sales, and thank you pages. Click here >>> Add Products for instructions on how to add products to your checkout.
Product Listing: In this section, the merchant will be able to view all the products they have added to their checkout.
Category Listing: All product categories will create will be listed in this section.
Add Category: In this section will create categories for each of your products. Adding categories will help you keep your products organized. Click here >>> Product Categories for instructions on how to create product categories.
If you have questions regarding our dashboard, please submit a support ticket through the merchant portal at
We also welcome feedback from our merchants. Please send us your suggestions at .